Supporting professionals in their career development

Get to know your skilled employees even better and promote their career development

(Young) professionals are the key resource for your company's success

Most companies that are successful today and want to remain so are aware of their most important asset: their employees. It is not only experts with decades of professional experience, but also high-potential employees at the start of their careers who ensure the performance of your company now and in the future with innovative ideas. And not just from management roles: More and more companies are emphasizing the importance of specialist roles and expanding the corresponding career paths.

Many companies are actually looking for full-blooded high-professionals and yet are increasingly offering career opportunities for career changers. What sounds paradoxical is actually a promising strategy. No company can afford to ignore a large group of applicants because they do not meet the formal requirements for the target position, or only to a limited extent. On the contrary: applicants who are highly motivated and hungry for experience provide new impetus and boost the innovative capacity of companies. Of course, the fact that specific knowledge is essential for some activities cannot be completely ignored. At the end of the day, however, the cost-benefit calculation does work out if the proactive, curious applicants have the potential to overcome professional hurdles.

At the same time, the importance of professional personnel development tailored to the individual is increasing: ambitious specialists want to continue to develop based on their personal career goals and needs. And that’s not all: studies show that employees who feel they are supported by their employer are significantly less likely to change jobs.

Record the analytical skills of your applicants and employees efficiently and effectively


Analytical skills reliably predict career success. They are therefore an integral part of good selection processes. A well-founded statement about whether applicants can solve problems quickly and effectively improves the accuracy of your selection decision – especially when it comes to jobs with demanding requirements and complex content.

Many of our clients rely on ITB-ICOS Intellectual Competence Screening, a short screening test that measures analytical skills. Thanks to its innovative, adaptive test concept, all participants receive a customized test that measures their analytical skills in a particularly economical and fair way. It is not only based on current scientific theories and empirically supported by thousands of comparison subjects, but also has a modern design and implementation. This offers you the balance between good selection and a pleasant candidate experience.

The potential analysis of professionals and career changers who perform demanding cognitive activities should be based on more specific tests with a higher level of difficulty. The test battery ITB-PERFORM offers modules that can be freely combined to meet the requirements of the target position. These selection tests, which are adapted to everyday working life, cover a wide range of skills: Absorbing and processing information quickly, processing tasks precisely, solving problems with efficient strategies, thinking flexibly, planning and organizing. These are not abstract intelligence test tasks, but illustrative material from various disciplines. The ability to learn German or any other language can also be recorded with a module from ITB-PERFORM.

ITB-Perform Das Fähifkeitsspektrum als Grafik

For professionals and specialists who perform demanding analytical tasks, we recommend more specialized tests with a higher level of difficulty. Depending on requirements, ITB’s test portfolio includes tests to assess planning and organizational skills or the analysis of complex process interrelationships. An Online-mailbox also ideally rounds off selection processes.

ITB-CHART , a test procedure for recording analytics skills, is particularly popular because it is very close to everyday life. Here, (young) professionals are presented with graphics and tables as well as associated texts to be analyzed. ITB-CHART analytics is tailored to specific professional subject areas (e.g. commercial, technical, scientific or IT). ITB-CHART strategya variant that focuses on corporate strategy topics, which often play an important role at higher career levels.

An Online-mailbox also ideally rounds off selection processes.

Get to know applicants and employees even better with competency-based personality tests.

In addition to cognitive abilities, employees are of course also characterized by their individual soft skills. Do you want to get a first impression of a candidate’s professional personality? Or support (young) professionals in their development? Then the ITB-PESA Personality Structure Assessment a test to assess job-related personality traits, is a good choice. The ITB-PESA perform variant is specially tailored to employees who have a demanding specialist role (as opposed to a management role).

The result is a differentiated results report that provides HR managers with a meaningful basis for the next selection step, such as aptitude interviewsor Assessment Centers. You too can benefit from ITB’s decades of experience: we can advise you on how best to dovetail tests and further selection steps.

Participants in turn gain valuable insights into their strengths and areas of development through the results reports, which – even in the event of rejection – creates added value for applicants. And in the context of personell development, the results can be wonderfully reinforced through Coachingor Training.

Do you also want to get to know your managers better and support their further development?

ITB-LEAS: Grafik zeigt born leaders, leaders in the long run, experts by passion, hidden talents

Professional career advice for individual career paths

Due to the increasing recognition of specialist careers, orientation procedures are becoming more and more popular – i.e. diagnostic procedures that help employees to find out whether they would rather pursue a specialist or a management career. ITB supports employees in this decision.

The ITB-LEAS Leadership Assessment, a test that measures technical and leadership aptitude (“Do I want a leadership role?”) and leadership competence (“Can I lead?”), is particularly suitable for this purpose. ITB-LEAS can also be used on its own and can support participants in their self-reflection through the differentiated results report.

Our test procedures are also an integral part of our more extensive, simulation-oriented career orientation procedures – the so-called Systemic Development Days.

Would you like to find out more about tests for (young) professionals?
Feel free to contact us at any time for a non-binding appointment to get to know us!